Thursday 31 January 2013


Momentum might be my word for 2013.  I have realised that I really thrive on momentum - it's why I often like to make a quilt top in a big burst over a few days, and struggle with slow burning projects.  

It's something I plan to harness to my advantage this year, and also something I plan to work on, to make sure when I get stalled in a project, I don't give up on it altogether, and so I can take on some more complex projects that will I inevitably have to work on over a long period.

This week, work has picked up after a rather quiet period, which I am loving.  Behind the scenes, I have been working away on a quilt using this stack of the lovely Noteworth collection by Sweetwater for Moda (supplied by Moda - thanks!).

Noteworthy Fat Quarter Bundle

This is something of a slow burn project - I need to make 64 blocks, and I am working on making 16 blocks a week over 4 weeks.  I have made 12 of my 16 for this week - keeping up momentum.  I really like the Noteworthy collection - it is brighter in person than the online swatches may lead you to believe, and there are several really nice designs that I will be buying yardage of once it is available.

Do you have a word for 2013?


Susan said...

Seeing your lovely (free!) stack of Moda, my word might be 'envy'! Other than that I don't have a word for 2013. I have to cope and teach a school theme- that will do for me!

Nat at Made in Home said...

Sounds like a great plan!

Amira@littlemushroomcap said...

What you write in this post is almost the same as what I planned to write when I have time today..about the word of the year.. And my main reason for that was because I was trying to get some motivation this morning at my study table and I came to my usual blog : and she was saying the same thing. So I was thinking the whole day today what would be my word.. And instead of a year, I'd love to make it shorter so that I can incorporate more words in a year.. I'll try and make a 44 days habit theme instead.. LOL.. best of luck in your theme. I love momentum too.. it just gets you going!

Anna said...

I love Sweetwater and that range looks so yummy! Can't wait to get some!

Deb said...

Colour me green for the Noteworthy. I would love a FQ bundle of that range. I love all of Sweetwater's ranges. Can't wait to see what you have whipped up :)